2023.01-至今 新疆农业大学生命科学学院
2020.12-2022.05 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园
2016.10-2020.09 捷克布杰约维采南波西米亚大学,哲学博士(渔业方向)
2013.09-2016.06 中国科学院水生生物研究所,理学,硕士
2009.09-2013.06 华中农业大学,农学,学士
2019.01-2021.12温度因子对欧洲永久性入侵淡水鳌虾间栖息地范围及生态位竞争的影响,捷克科学院, 捷克国家自然基金青年项目, Part C1-Kouba-19-04431S, 58万元, 结题, 参与
2019.01-2019.12 Boiling crayfish?A comparison of burrowing behaviour under conditions of simulated drought as influenced by herbicide pollution,捷克布杰约维采南波希米亚大学, 博士研究生创新性科研项目, No. 078/2019/Z, 4.5万元, 结题, 主持
2018.01-2018.12Interaction, growth and maturation racing: comparison of two prominent crayfish invaders,捷克布杰约维采南波西米亚大学, 博士研究生创新型科研项目, No. 102/2018/Z,4.0万元, 主持
Guo W., Weiperth A., Hossain M.S., Kubec J., Grabicová K., Ložek F., Veselý L., Bláha M., Buřič M. & Kouba A. (2021) The effects of the herbicides terbuthylazine and metazachlor at environmental concentration on the burrowing behaviour of red swamp crayfish. Chemosphere, 270, 128656 (一区top15; IF 2020=7.1)
Guo W., Hossain M.S., Kubec J., Grabicová K., Randák T., Buřič M. & Kouba A. (2020) Psychoactive compounds at environmental concentration alter burrowing behavior in the freshwater crayfish. Science of the Total Environment, 711, 135138(一区top10; IF 2020=7.9)
Guo W., Kubec J., Veselý L., Hossain M.S., Buřič M., Mcclain R. & Kouba A. (2019) High air humidity is sufficient for successful egg incubation and early post‐embryonic development in the marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis). Freshwater Biology, 64, 1603-1612(一区 top5; IF 2020=3.8)
Guo W., Shao J., Li P., Wu J. & Wei Q. (2016) Morphology and ultrastructure of Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis spermatozoa by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Tissue and Cell, 48, 321-327(二区; IF 2017=1.2)
郭威, 厉萍, 杨焕超, 杜浩, 吴金明 & 危起伟. (2016) 川陕哲罗鲑精子超微结构及形态学研究. 四川动物, 550-555
Haubrock P.J., Balzani P., Azzini M., Inghilesi A.F., Veselý L., Guo W. & Tricarico E. (2019) Shared histories of co-evolution may affect trophic interactions in a freshwater community dominated by alien species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 355
Hossain M.S., Guo W., Martens A., Adámek Z., Kouba A. & Buřič M. (2020) Potential of marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis to supplant invasive Faxonius immunis. Aquatic Ecology, 54, 45-56
Hossain M.S., Kubec J., Grabicová K., Grabic R., Randák T., Guo W., Kouba A. & Buřič M. (2019) Environmentally relevant concentrations of methamphetamine and sertraline modify the behavior and life history traits of an aquatic invertebrate. Aquatic Toxicology, 213, 105222
Hossain M.S., Kubec J., Guo W., Roje S., Ložek F., Grabicová K., Randák T., Kouba A. & Buřič M. (2021) A combination of six psychoactive pharmaceuticals at environmental concentrations alter the locomotory behavior of clonal marbled crayfish. Science of the Total Environment, 751, 141383
Li P., Guo W., Qiao X.M., Liu Z.G., Shen L. & Wei Q.W. (2019) Morphology and ultrastructure of Dabry’s sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus) spermatozoa using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 35, 192-201
Li P., Guo W., Yue H., Li C., Du H., Qiao X., Liu Z., Zhou Q. & Wei Q. (2017) Variability in the protein profiles in spermatozoa of two sturgeon species. Plos One, 12, e0186003
Shao J., Luo W., Wei Q., Wang F., Guo W., Ye H., Chu Z., Wu J. & Zhang S. (2017) Assignment of parentage by microsatellite analysis in the endangered Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis (Salmonidae). Aquatic Biology, 26, 69-73
Veselý L., Ruokonen T.J., Weiperth A., Kubec J., Szajbert B., Guo W., Ercoli F., Bláha M., Buřič M. & Hämäläinen H. (2021) Trophic niches of three sympatric invasive crayfish of EU concern. Hydrobiologia, 848, 727-737
颉璇, 厉萍, 席萌丹, 郭威, 乔新美, 杜浩, 刘志刚 & 危起伟. (2016) 达氏鲟精巢细胞消化分离和超低温冷冻保存. 淡水渔业, 46, 19-24
李雷, 危起伟, 郭威, 蔺丹清 & 吴金明. (2015) 长江宜宾江段铜鱼属鱼类种间食物关系. 应用生态学报, 26, 1877-1882